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Daddy's Home 2 Movie Review!

Daddy's Home, catch it in theaters November 10!

Thank you, Paramount for inviting me to Daddy's Home 2 special screening, Press Junket and Red Carpet! I’m so grateful to be included, Daddy’s Home 2 is one of the greatest family holiday movies I’ve seen in awhile. Let me tell you, I took my little one and when he fell asleep on my lap, I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee in my pants, not only that, I was holding his head so it wouldn't bounce around while I was laughing. The moment the movie starts to the very end, you're either laughing, singing or mentally screaming out, “noooooo!” It doesn't get any better than this, you’ll leave feeling elated, full on 100% in the Christmas spirit and with a tremendous belly ache from all the freaking laughing. Some scenes will leave you thinking, “OMG what just happened?” and how did they do that?

If you're reading this, you know I talk about positive co-parenting, it's not about you, the parent, it's about the children, end of story. Daddy's Home 2 was #Coparentingonsteriods, #coparentingdoneright, #coparentingparents, #coparentingchristmasmiracle, #coparentingwithoutanger, #coparetiningup, #coparentingforthechildren, and #coparetingdadsbeingmen. I could go on with the hashtags, but I think you get my point? I always say, “Love your child more than you hate your ex.” Everything we do is for our children, no matter what’s happening in our lives, all our decisions are based on, and for our children. Daddys Homes 2 was just that! It’s refreshing to see Hollywood portray parents, rational, well adjusted, forward-thinking, children first, and most importantly, egos set aside for the betterment of all the relationships involved to co-parent effectively.

Here’s the kicker there’s always one person in the family that doesn’t understand how exes can get along, new spouses be accepting, there’s always one person that wants to throw a monkey wrench in everything because they can, plain and simple. In Daddy's Home 2, it was Mark Wahlberg's dad, Mel Gibson, the grandpa who grew up in an era, where men were tough, macho men, whom never communicated with one another and, here, is where the epic shenanigans begin, the instigator versus the innocent. Truly it was watching the sheep being led in the lion's den and there wasn’t a thing you could do because it was all done under the guise of crazy moments that leave you speechless, laughing and thinking, “note to self, don’t do that.”

Let me address the elephant in the room, Mel Gibson being cast in a family-friendly movie has got to be one of the best choices ever. No one could have played Mark Wahlberg's father other than Mel Gibson, he was outstanding, his performance was pure perfection. The entire cast, down to the children all held their own. I not only recommend this movie because of the hilarity ensued, the crazy off the cuff moments, the cast, no, but because it’s pure comedy that I haven’t seen in a long while. Every family, every co-parenting parent or not, must see this movie to remind you, that you are doing the best you can and all that matters is the kids, sometimes we all need something small to occur to bring things into perspective.

Don’t think the Daddy's Home 2 is only about the dads, the moms hold their own, Sara played by Linda Cardellini and Karen played by Alessandra Ambrosio. When I interviewed Linda, she agreed that it was wonderful how these two woman never fought in the movie, they got along. Yes, Sara felt insecure around Karen because she’s modelesque but here’s the thing. As woman, we need to remember, another woman's beauty does not take away our own. A rose doesn't compare itself, it just is, so stand tall and be secure in yourself, what you have to offer, you are you, unique.

Here’s the thing, Daddy's Home 2 underlying message is so much more than just comedy, pay attention to the details, the dynamics of everyone’s relationship, I know it’ll be hard because you’ll be cracking up, but do your best, better yet see it twice, I did. It was even more phenomenal the second time around. Co-Parenting parents, remember we can’t compare parenting styles because everyone is different, one isn't better than the other, it’s just different. So if one parent is carefree and the other is a helicopter dad, neither is wrong or right, it’s the role that parent feels comfortable in. With that said, it’s crucial that children see all the parents stand in a united front no matter what the parenting the style. Children psychologically feel secure knowing that there's consistency, love, understanding, respect and so much more. It’s crucial that we, as parents set aside our expectations, and how we imaged things would be, to the reality of what it is, live in the moment and come to terms with it, How do we expect our children to be well adjusted if we’re not?

Being a parent isn’t about what you gave up to have them, it’s about what you’ve gained from having them. This right here is what Daddy’s Home 2 about, family, love, and all the in-between moments that will leave you in stitches.

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