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BODY WORLDS: Pulse West Coast debut of the largest BODY WORLDS exhibition in a decade with new speci

On display through February 20, 2018

Be Moved! Is the tagline for BODY WORLDS exhibition, this is an understatement, it’s truly an outer body experience. Seeing these beautifully sculpted specimens that were once living, breathing humans will absolutely mess with your mind and blow you away. I was in awe, couldn’t stop staring, marveled at how the human body is truly a machine and work of art. We are the artist and our body is the canvas, it is up to us to paint a beautiful picture. I will be 100% honest, the prenatal room I zipped through, it brought me to tears, I couldn’t bring myself to absorb the exhibit as I was doing so with the adults. There is so much to learn about the human body, our organs, blood vessels, and so much more, it is absolutely possible to walk the exhibit the entire day and miss everything else at the California Science Center. I highly suggest taking older kids, your younger ones (under 6) will either not understand it, appreciate it or you’ll traumatize them. Your older children, however, will be fascinated and ask a million questions, they will love it as much as you!

Discover what makes you move, what makes you tick, and what makes you unique in the largest BODY WORLDS exhibition in a decade. Be Moved! Come and experience inventor Dr. Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS: Pulse — a convergence of aesthetic anatomy, health and wellness.This special exhibition presents the body in health and distress, its vulnerabilities and potential, and many of the challenges the human body faces as it navigates the 21st Century. Through interactive multimedia, guests will learn about the wonders of the real human body, and marvel at its elegance and complexity.

More than 200 plastinated specimens — including whole bodies, body configurations, translucent slices, and organs – are curated and presented in galleries that feature the various systems of the body. The locomotive, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and reproductive systems are revealed through Dr. von Hagen’s invention of Plastination, in ways previously familiar only to medical practitioners. Featured plastinates include an obese body slice, a smoker’s black lung and hardened arteries that show the impact of ill health. In contrast, dancers, sports figures, and a woman bearing life illustrate how bodies function when lifestyles support good health and well-being.

The California Science Center welcomes both adults and children to BODY WORLDS: Pulse. However, this exhibition may not be suitable for some children, and the Science Center has determined that a responsible adult must accompany all children 12 years old and younger. We ask that you become familiar with the exhibition by reading the one-page Parent Guide (available in English or Spanish) before deciding whether or not to bring your child to BODY WORLDS: Pulse.

Here is your chance to enter to win a family 4 pack to the exhibit. Contest rules: This contest is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with California Science Center.. By entering, entrants confirm that they are 18+ years of age, release California Science Center of responsibility, and agree to California Science Center terms of use. Must be a California resident to enter. Contest ends midnight, Sunday June 25, 2017. Winner will be emailed.

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