Did You Know PBS SoCal Offers Home School and Children with Learning Disabilities Curriculum!

I was recently invited to PBS SoCal and learned about all the amazing educators they have on board to create the shows we’ve all come to love. I have to say, I grew up with PBS SoCal, I knew their shows were amazing but as a mom, I had no idea that PBS offers Homeschooling curriculum and most importantly they help parents navigate the learning curve with children that have learning disabilities. PBS SoCal offers a link on their site where experts representing a range of backgrounds and perspectives respond to a variety of frequently asked questions. Their responses illustrate many of the commonalities and differences among learning disability experts. Find the best route for your own child with the wise advice of these knowledgeable and experienced experts.
There are many theories about helping children with learning disabilities. Some are based on research that shows a particular strategy to be effective on groups of children. Other theories may seem helpful or promising, but have not yet been studied carefully and are therefore more controversial. Browse through some helpful tips and ideas and learn important strategies for helping students with learning disabilities. Categories range from Learning Disabilities Basic, Types of Learning Disabilities. Strategies for learning disabilities, Special Education and IEP’s, Inclusive Education, Supporting Your Child, Fostering Friendship and Fostering independence. Each category you click on has a sub-category and they’re extensive.
Help your child learn and grow with PBS SoCal kids activities, each show focuses on new categories for a better understanding of how to help and grow with your child. Understand and Manage Emotions with Daniel Tiger, Learn Numbers and Shapes with Peg + Cat, Raise a Reader with Super Why, Explore Basic Math Skills with Curious George, Build Character with Arthur and Practice Problem-Solving Skills with Odd Squad. Social & Emotional Activity Finder is available for all of their PBS KIDS’ beloved characters. They model behavior and provide strategies that help kids manage their emotions, build friendships and develop good character. Use this activity finder to further foster your child’s growth.

Being a parent is a tough job and, at times, it’s hard to get your kids to focus. PBS knows that with playful learning kids are receptive to learning. PBS SoCal teaches very worthwhile, meaningful and timely concepts in an easy-to-understand, actionable and interactive way. With parents who contribute significantly to building good character traits and morals, teachers and schools play a vital part in establishing solid foundations for happy, positive and successful future.
It’s important to expose our children to shows that will build a positive foundation, PBS SoCal understands this immense responsibility. Combined with school, leading by example at home and PBS SoCal activities and shows that nurture the well being of our little ones, enforce values, kindness, empathy and the desire to learn is linked to success. Social and emotional education should be a responsibility shared by parents, school, and media. Thank you PBS SoCal, I know when my little one is watching PBS SoCal I have nothing to worry about,
fun = learning!