Get Involved So We May Become Indivisible!
“You’re either being programmed for possibility or impossibility. It’s your choice”
With the Inauguration of our 45th President it had me thinking how we may become more involved in our communities so we may make a difference. Here are a few ways and remember a small step gets your closer to your goal.
Neighborhood City Council is a great way to gain experience in politics and impact your community. This is a volunteer position which you’ll run for your desired seat and be elected by your peers to represent the best interest of your stake holders. Los Angeles has 96 Neighborhood City Council committees, your local NCC acts as an Advisory Board and has profound influence on laws, rules and regulations. If you’re trying to find ways to make a difference in your community on issues you care about, ie; crime, roads and streets, gangs and the economy, then this is for you. Neighborhood Council participants are empowered to advocate directly for real change in your own community. The Council consist of residents, business owners, and property owners.
To find out who your NCC members and when the next meeting is, click here. Although this isn’t an election year for Councils, please don’t let that deter you from attending a meeting, great ideas are always welcome and participation is highly encouraged. Meet your board members, I know speaking for myself and our board we are always thrilled when we see an active community member attend a meeting. It’s extremely meaningful and gratifying knowing that we are making a positive impact for our community. If you’re unable to attend a meeting and have an issue you’d like to discuss, send an email. Emails received will be entered into the record, you’ll receive a response and more importantly you’ve taken the time to let your NCC know how you feel and what you need help with. Each Council has a number of Committees, and that’s the best way to get involved and make a direct impact on the issues that matter most to you. The Committee formats are much less formal, and anyone who attends can be a part of the conversation. In fact, it’s common practice for committees to have co-chairs who are not elected to the Board, so don’t let anything stop you from being a part of the Council process.
Here is an opportunity for your voice to be heard, Los Angeles Election is March 7, it’s an extremely important date, mark it in your calendar to VOTE! Los Angeles election day is March 7, did I mention that already? Los Angeles is holding municipal elections on March 7th? Historically the turnout for elections like this are low. But we, you, can change that. We can turn up and vote and show our elected officials we are here to make a difference. Mayor Garcetti is up for re-election, and so are half of our City Council members. (The Council Districts on the March ballot are the odd-numbered ones: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.) And the LAUSD School Board also has members up for re-election? Do you know who’s running? Do you care? You should, they are directly representing you! Do you know your Councilperson, what’s your district number?
You know what I find fascinating, everytime I see President Trump sign an executive order he’s surrounded by all men. Where are the woman? Now let me bring it down to our state level, did you know we only have one female city council member? Out of 15 districts in Los Angeles Nury Martinez from CD 6 is the only woman. Why do we not have more woman in politics? Get out there, take a chance, make a difference not only in your life but in your community. Once you’ve chosen the candidate that you’re voting for on March 7, take the time if you can spare it and volunteer for their campaign. Call their headquarters and ask what they need help with, remember every small change can make a big difference.
Prepare yourselves for Midterm Elections on November 6, 2018, when 33 Senate seats, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 39 State and Territorial Governorships (and numerous state and local elections) will be up for re-election. Senate seats (two for each state) will be up. In addition, there will be 36 governorships term available. This marks only the second time since 1929 that Republicans will have control of the White House, both houses of Congress and, tying a 94-year-old record, 34 governorships; 14 of those governor's mansions will be up for grabs in 2018 due to term limits. This is a BIG FREAKING DEAL! Please stop and reread this entire paragraph, it’s time that you engage with your community, look at your Governor, Mayor, City Council members, NCCM, LAUSD seats, be engaged, making voting part of your fabric of life, not just every four years but for Midterm Elections. We are setting the foundation for our future how do you see it? Will you be part of it? Will you make a difference? And yes, you count, your one vote, one act of caring makes a difference.
Important Links:
Register to VOTE
Disclaimer: I'm a proud member of our Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood City Council and represent Public Educational Institutions K-12 Schools.