LA Cookie Con & Sweets Show

LA Cookie Con was exactly how I imagined Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory would be. As a child did you wonder what the factory would be like, it marveled me how each room had a different candy theme, including a chocolate tasting room, let alone all the candy making secrets? I grew up thinking it would be amazing to experience the chocolate factory and know exactly how to go about making marvelous confections. Hold on to your horses because La Cookie Con was exactly like Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory but better!
LA Cookie Con is West Coast's BIGGEST baking and pastry convention held at the LA Convention Center.
Walking into La Cookie Con was every adults inner child dream come true. Wall to wall desserts, represented by the best brands and highest quality. Not only were there cookies, cakes, ice cream, Armenian donut (YUM), custard, drinks, champagne, spiked tea, there were baking classes, baking essentials and mega movie star representation supporting healthy baking.
They had Decorators Showcase and World Dessert Table Championships displayed. These cakes were works of art, the intricacy, colors, they looked divine, majestic. I couldn't imagine cutting into any of these cakes, they were regal. The picture you see is just one of the many cakes displayed.
Every square inch of the room was covered with vendors. Samples of their delicious treats from allergen-friendly, gluten-free, vegan, and low-sugar options to appease everyone. You couldn't have left LA Cookie Con without tasting the best bakery goods from all over Los Angeles and what they have to offer.
There were two corners of this magnificent room that were allocated to VIP ticket holders. VIP ticket holders had access to exclusive programming, sampling and a "Come to the Dark Side" VIP logo tote. To truly complete the entire room the force had to be with you, in order to sample all the goodies readily available you need two full days to digest what was being presented and sampled.
If you've ever wanted to know how to bake or to enhance your skills you were in luck! Classes were being held in 5 different rooms and stages set up for live demonstrations.
If you were lucky to catch star sightings, you would have caught Sara Michelle Geller at her booth FoodStirs or Rosanna Pansino New York Times best selling author, Ron Ben-Israel who's internationally famous star of Food Networks "Sweet Genius" and renowned cake decorated known as the "King of Cakes" and much more.
This event wasn't only geared towards adults, a baker isn't born over night. When you ask a pastry chef, "How did you come about becoming a master creator?', they always respond, "When I was little I was exposed to baking'. Which brings us to the kid zone that included cookie decorating by Baking with Melissa, face painting hosted by Urban Sitter, activities by Mommy Nearest, Club Mom Me and Otis Spunkmeyer.
La Cookie Con was all about exploring the finest of what Los Angeles has to offer, from viewing lavish cakes, eating, drinking, purchasing baking supplies, having fun with our kiddos, taking classes to learn new techniques, everything was amazing and best of all it was all for a good cause. When purchasing a raffle ticket, proceeds went towards Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The prizes ranged from gift certificates, hotel stays and cooking classes. Not only was it an extremely sweet day, we were able to give back to our community and help out our local charity organization.
If you missed this years LA Cookie Con save the date for next year, TBD. You won't want to miss it. Be sure to check out their website at
Thank you LA Cookie Con, till next year!